2024 : the battery biocultivator fairtill®
An anticipated turn from a seasoned and professional industrialist, passionate in his know-how who knows how to look far but also fix the side to understand the trajectory to start! Listening to trends but more generally to the changing world, it is also about questioning one’s prejudices and taking up the challenge of creating innovative, future tools, which complement or sometimes replace the tools we thought were “always”. Rethinking the way of working the land, to preserve it, to give it a new fertility. Offering this possibility to all, individuals, professionals, novices, enthusiasts, young and less young… This is the mission of Fairtill®, THE biocultivator imagined, designed, manufactured and proposed by the Pubert company.

2019 : Birth of pmg taral (turkey)
A major player in Turkey since 1968, Taral® is the reference brand in Turkey for walking conductor soil work equipment. At the end of 2018, in the grip of economic difficulties and in search of a new breath, Taral is looking for buyers. PUBERT, a world leader in the manufacture of Tillers, then associates with two Turkish partners. This is how PMG Taral® is born! By sharing its skills and know-how, PUBERT works for the rebirth of a strong brand. Today the company is one of the major players in the Tiller market in Turkey.

2017 Creation of Pubert India
The history between India and Pubert is not new. Jean-Pierre Pubert has been interested in the country since the early 2000’s. It was therefore quite natural for Pubert to create the Pubert INDIA entity to position itself on a market where the use of Pubert machines in tough conditions proves their quality and robustness all around the world.

2017: Purchase of SABRE France
“There is strength in numbers”. Jean-Pierre Pubert is a man of principle, sticking to his convictions with the purchase of SABRE France, a French operator in the distribution of products for amateurs and professionals to maintain green spaces (sit-on lawn mowers, chain saws, backpack brushcutters, mowing robots, lawn mowers, etc.).

2016: The trophy for the 2 millionth tiller
Efficiency and productivity! Pubert celebrates the 2,000,000th tiller manufactured in the Vendée region. A limited edition bronze trophy will be presented during the 2016 EIMA trade fair to partners who have supported Pubert in its success.

2013 LEAN - Transforming the assembly lines
In a quest for excellence and competitiveness, Pubert turned an industrial corner by optimising its production line with Lean Management, a system invented by the car manufacturer, Toyota. This transformation of the assembly lines brought a new industrial dimension to the global company, which you can see here on video.

2012 - First tiller with tines and plough
Close to the nature-loving general public, as always, Pubert continued its development, creating the first tiller with tines and a plough for small areas for under €1,000. The value for money offered by VARIO became a reference in the vegetable garden market.

2010 Purchase of Roques et Lecoeur
This time around, it was the turn of Roques et Lecoeur, specialised in brushcutter manufacture, to join the Pubert Group. Another strong commitment to save and renew French industrial know-how.

Pubert is often ahead of its time. At a time when battery-powered machines for green spaces were still rare, the company developed the first battery-powered tiller on the world market. An avant-garde concept which has become particularly appropriate today:
> To discover in video

2008: Production exceeds 150,000 units
“Grow to move forward”, by expanding its business scope from the vegetable plot to brushcutting, wood and snow clearance, Pubert stepped up its production to reach a record figure of 150,000 units produced per year.

2007: The company became the leading WORLD tiller producer
With the manufacture of tillers for the giants Honda and Husqvarna, Pubert opened the door to world farming. In 2007, the company became the leading WORLD tiller producer, exporting to over 40 countries.

2003 Purchase of KIVA
"There is no way we can let French know-how leave France". With these words, Jean-Pierre Pubert decided to buy the company KIVA, the French manufacturer of self-propelled brushcutters, scarifiers and plant shredders.

1997 - 1st reversible mechanical tiller
Although working the soil is synonymous with labour, Pubert is constantly looking to optimise user comfort. In 1997, the company invented the first machine able to go backwards thanks to its reversing mechanism.

1991: Husqvarna and Honda tiller production agreement
A landmark date in Pubert history and world recognition of Pubert know-how. The Husqvarna and Honda brands set their sights on the brand, signing a production agreement for their tillers.

1988 - 1st tiller for the general public
The French love their gardens and vegetable plots. Increasing numbers of novices are creating their own vegetable plots. It is for this reason that Pubert created a new generation of tillers with a new design that is lighter and more compact for smaller gardens, enabling motorised tools to be used to tend smaller areas.

1987: international launch and export of the first machine
Although gardens and vegetable plots all over France hummed with the sound of Pubert machines, there was a growing need to extend the company’s territory. Bulgaria was the first country to discover a Pubert machine, marking the start of export throughout the world.

1984-2020: Family transmission
“There is no age for success”, you just need to work hard and have a passion for it, like for working the land. Jean-Pierre Pubert was 23 when he joined his father, who was experiencing health problems, to take over the general management of the business. A new graduate from the ESSCA School of Management in Angers, he gave up his MBA in the United States in 1984 to return to France and write a new page in the history of Pubert.

Small revolution on the brushcutting market in 1981 with the arrival of the first Pubert wheeled brushcutter. If the brush cutter is a powerful machine, capable of cleaning fallow land invaded by brambles, it was important to think about the comfort of professional users as well as individuals. Thanks to Pubert know-how, this heavy tool becomes easy to maneuver to access where the mower could not go while maintaining maximum efficiency for all types of vegetation and terrain.

1975 Birth of the first Pubert tiller
Vroom vroom was the noise echoing around vegetable gardens in 1975 with the launch of the first Pubert tiller. This noise and this date sounded a new stage in the company’s development, moving on from manufacturing motorised tool accessories to making machines for motorised gardening and soil preparation. This was the start of the production of millions of tillers for all vegetable plots in France and around the world.

1960: The start of motorised tools for amateur gardeners
This marked a new direction for the Pubert family, who decided to inject new impetus into the company by turning to the manufacture of accessories for motorised gardening equipment, giving everyone the opportunity to benefit from know-how previously reserved for professionals. Time for comfort and enjoyment with the development of the gardening tools of today.

1959-1984: Change of course
The Pubert family took over the management of the company during a difficult period when it needed to rebuild and reinvent itself. New ideas and a change by innovation marked a new era geared towards agricultural tools and new techniques to cultivate the soil and the garden.

1920-1959: Cultivate to live
During the singular wartime and post-war periods, farming was a major issue for nations and consequently the tools to work the land also were. It was during this crucial period that a romantic alliance passed the management of the company from the Grolleau family to the Pubert family. This gave the company new momentum, enabling it to play a major role in the development of vegetable plots and market gardens.

1840-1920: First seeds sown
In 1840, the company PUBERT ploughed its first furrow in the soil of the Vendée region. The man behind this, Mr Grolleau, used his know-how to manufacture ploughs for farming. He founded the company and managed it for several decades, following a path which respected the land and nature.