Being an actor is above all to advise, understand, observe, and discover that we can do differently. Becoming aware and seeing beyond one’s beliefs allows for transformation. This requires effort, risk, desire, the “firm intention” to go to the end of one’s goal to present the after. 5 years of research, teaching, and understanding, so that in 2024 Pubert offers a new tool for soil work and proposes exclusively worldwide the biocultivator Fairtill®, unique in its kind that reconciles respect for biodiversity, protection of earthworms and efficiency in the vegetable garden.

Support for our heritage
Whilst Pubert thinks about its employees, it is also anxious to give to those around the company too. In particular, it has participated in several sponsorship programmes, including the renovation of historic monuments in France, particularly through the ten-year sponsorship scheme with the Domaine de la Constantinière (Maine-et-Loire region). The company has also funded the donation of tillers intended for third-world countries (Burkina Faso, Haiti, etc.), simple acts which are part of the Pubert culture.

Natural know-how
“Act for nature and be qualified to act for nature”. It is on these terms that Jean-Pierre Pubert has built his universe around the natural world. Although tending the vegetable plot and garden maintenance have marked the history of Pubert through tillers and cultivators, it was quite natural for wood-cutting, brushcutting and snow blowers to enrich the Pubert range. It is logical for a company which has drawn on its NATURAL ORIGINS for the past 180 years.

For a productive vegetable plot
It is obvious that having a cultivator or tiller would not be much use if you didn't know how to use it, and especially why you should use it! All the Pubert employees put their experience and know-how to good use to bring you useful information on the secrets of the vegetable plot. It is your passion for the soil coupled with a top-quality high-performance machine which will make your vegetable plot an extraordinary living environment.

A respected, respectful global stakeholder
Being recognised as the reference in the soil and garden business in each of the countries where Pubert operates is a cross-cutting objective of our corporate culture. The proof often comes from the field, from the people who live and sell the product. This is the case of Alexander Markin, CEO of Unisaw in Russia, who has been working with the French company for 20 years "Pubert is a very professional company which fulfils its commitments. It is a family company which has character, a key quality to build a long-term strategy. It is a company which has been working on nature and the land for over two centuries, loyal to its customers in both good and bad times. Finally, I must mention the value of its constant innovation through patents and specific Pubert features (mechanical reverser, 2+1 gearbox with variable speed, etc.). I am happy and proud to wish you a happy anniversary!”

Beyond the warranty
The life of a machine should not stop at a simple warranty. Many people confuse warranties and use of the machine. Although warranties reassure users, the most important thing remains the life time of a product. It is not uncommon to see a machine that is 10, 20 or even 30 years old reappearing in the After-Sales department with this strange request: “the belt on my tiller has just broken. Do you have one for this machine?” and the funniest thing is that the answer is “yes”! Not always, of course, but this is where the heritage and values of Pubert’s 180 years give it its charm. That really blows a raspberry at planned obsolescence, doesn't it?

Machines working for nature
Although the origins and culture of the Pubert brand are forever rooted in working the soil, its development over the years today qualifies it to play an active role for the environment and the natural world. Pubert uses the same formula and the same high standards each time it develops tools for garden maintenance with its range of brushcutters, for wood-cutting with log saws, shredders for compost and RCW, and snow clearance. It is now the turn of the weeding market to witness the arrival of Pubert the expert, and there is a high chance that its machines will once again win over many fans in France and around the world.

Things always run smoothly
As for any motorised equipment, the engine is the heart of the machine, so there is no question of half measures when it comes to the engine. We place particular emphasis on combining high machine standards with engine performance. For increased reliability, we adapt the right engine to the use of the right machine, in partnership with the world’s leading engine manufacturers (Honda, Briggs & Stratton, Subaru, etc.), or Pubert labelled and standardised engines. You can rest easy, your engine will run smoothly!

I want to know all about it...
When you buy a Pubert machine, nothing is left to chance. You will know everything there is to know about your cultivator, tiller, scarifier, brushcutter, wood saw or snow blower, as will we! Total transparency and full traceability of your machine. Using our search engine “Where was my machine made”, you will be able to access its ID card and all the technical documents, with exploded diagrams help you obtain spare parts. Happy?

Pubert, an unpretentious company
At Pubert, we don’t make a fuss! We define ourselves as an unpretentious company, simple, serious, efficient and respectful. A credible stakeholder and leader on its market, Pubert’s influence extends throughout France and the world with the same commitment and philosophy. It is enough to read a few newspaper articles from 30, 20 or 10 years ago to realise that time goes by, generations change, but Pubert remains Pubert!

Machines with natural comfort
A distinctive characteristic of Pubert is that the user comes first. Although quality, robustness and safety are vital, comfort remains a high expectation among all amateurs and professionals. In all its innovation, the design office strives to produce machines that are increasingly practical to use and improve user comfort. To prove it, we will let your judge for yourself with just a few of these innovations: for cultivators and tillers, electric starters, elliptical handlebars, pneumatic controls and the effortless clutch (ARO model); for brushcutters, the differential system; for the VALTO snow blowers, the heated handle and one-handed drive system, Easy Drive, (intuitive steering system); for the IROKO shredders, top ejection; and tool-free access to the cutting system for the KAORI models. The garden is almost starting to feel too small!

For effective snow clearance
Clearing snow from your land can sometimes be essential to be able to gain access to it. It is often vital for establishments open to the public in the mountains. Snow clearance techniques may vary depending on the land, your machine and the weather conditions. Why not slide on over to our tips all about these different ways to use the Pubert® snow clearance machines.

A quality partner
What might the users of a Pubert machine say? There is no doubt, they are all unanimous in praising the quality of the machines, their robustness of course, and also their design and practical side, which makes them a pleasure to use for both professionals and more inexperienced amateurs. Safety is also mentioned as a remarkable feature of the brand’s products. In terms of service, the brand’s after-sales service is highlighted, with follow-up of spare parts for up to 20 years in some cases, and the company’s responsiveness to obtain the parts. Even if no one is perfect, the brand works for its users every day.

To reduce and recycle your waste
Small acts often make a big difference. The technique of shredding is part of those small habits which added together do a lot for our environment. Shredding is ideal to quickly and significantly reduce the volume of your plant waste. It can then be recycled as mulch to help the development of future plants. However, this means having the right equipment and using it properly, so here are a few tips to produce either RCW (fresh uncomposted woodchip made from smaller diameter younger tree branches) to enrich your soil in permaculture in particular, or ground wood (wood chips) for your flowerbeds and to avoid weed growth.

40,000 km of life-size testing
Another natural but sizeable challenge at Pubert! 40,000 is the number of kilometres racked up by the company’s two Mr "Tests", Arnaud Hulin and Thierry Dallemagne. Together, they total approximately 20,000 hours of tests at the handlebars of a cultivator, tiller or brushcutter, meaning they have covered 40,000 km, the equivalent of WALKING AROUND THE WORLD!

A record in the natural world
What could be more uncommon than a company director who is a world record holder! This was the challenge and exploit which Jean-Pierre Pubert set himself in 1987 to demonstrate the quality and robustness of Pubert tillers. Confident in his own strength, and especially in his machine, its first ambassador embarked on a 24-hour NON STOP ploughing job! Success! Jean-Pierre Pubert pulverised the record held by an American and entered the Guinness Book of Records having gained a few blisters and lost a few kilos, but with huge pride shared with all of his employees and the wider Vendée family.

If you take care of your machine...
Quality is obviously a key component in the production of Pubert machines. However the exceptional durability of the products over time is also due to good maintenance. This is why we provide all the technical documents, details of parts and our assistance to help all users of Pubert products to go as far as possible together.

For a beautiful garden
Having a beautiful garden is a pleasure for a great many nature lovers. However, there is no escaping brushcutting or lawn-mowing work to maintain your garden or undergrowth efficiently. Under what circumstances or when do you clear undergrowth or scarify your lawn? What type of machines do you use to suit the land? Here are a few tips and hints to help you clear and improve your land for a natural look.

For well-cut wood
It is such a pleasure to sit down by the fireplace or wood-burning stove and enjoy a wood fire in the middle of winter. But there is no fire without wood! Never fear, Pubert is still playing its role as a natural protagonist. The range of log saws is ideal for effortless wood-cutting work with complete autonomy and the best safety conditions. They can be used to cut logs to a size suitable for a fireplace or wood-burning stove. You have a sturdy machine that is practical to transport and store. With the choice of combustion engine or electric motor, you can prepare your firewood efficiently and easily.

A natural protagonist all around the world
Pubert cultivators and tillers first of all delighted hundreds of thousands of French gardeners before naturally moving on to conquer the world. Today, millions of people use them to tend their gardens in over 50 countries worldwide. Nature is universal and Pubert has the credentials to be a natural protagonist!

Don’t get the idea that lawns are the only thing Pubert is proud of. It is the millions of gardens, vegetable plots, logs and snowflakes treated with our machines all around the world that make us proud. If we had to name two, we would point you towards the beautiful grass at the Football World Cup in Russia, or the maintenance of the Gardens of Versailles, with their chalk lines for the deepest satisfaction of the players and visitors. However, above and beyond these wonderful references, we are convinced of one thing: nothing beats the beauty of your garden or vegetable plot tended with Pubert products!

A strong partner
The life of a company is based on deep knowledge of its strength and weaknesses, ideally hearing them expressed by its customers. Distributors are unanimous in spontaneously mentioning two strong values, “Quality" and “Performance”. This recognition dates back 180 years, making Pubert a natural protagonist its universe.

a machine through the ages
The Pubert machine has no time limit. Whether it is a cultivator, tiller, brushcutter, scarifier or log saw, products are treated and checked with the same care and attention. This quality ensures incomparable durability, making them something to be passed down from one generation to the next over the years.