Wood cutting

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Reduce and recycle your lopped-off branches.

Piles of waste mustn’t spoil your enjoyed gardening. Harvesting, raking leaves, transport to collection center or to the municipal waste management and collection services, could become a nightmare! All the more so this service could be expensive according to the areas. Pubert® shredders are powerful and easy to use for considerably reducing the space taken by vegetal waste while reusing it in a useful manner: for compost and mulch. Their compacity and practical conception enables you an easy handling and transport.

Discover the various grinding’s solutions suggested by Pubert.

Heating using wood has become an entirely feasible and comfortable option. The Pubert logging saw benches enable to realize your wood cutting works without effort and in the best security conditions.  These robustness machines are practical and durable.


solution pour couper le bois avec une scie à buches pubert